力邁國際高中核心優(yōu)勢 Core Advantages
Dual Diploma
teaching content systemization, learning process visualization, evaluation standard intelligentization
4、ACT授權考試中心 AP官方授權認證學校
Authorized ACT Examination Center Officially AP Accredited school
One-stop college counseling service
A. 卡文特課程項目
力邁中美(國際)學校是卡文特在中國的獨 家合作伙伴。力邁優(yōu)秀的教師團隊將卡文特課程體系完 美融合,讓孩子在中國本土接受原汁原味的美式教育??ㄎ奶仨椖康膶W生順利畢業(yè)之后,可以獲得由卡文特頒發(fā)的美國高中畢業(yè)證,并授馬里蘭州教育廳,美國教育檔案局,國際跨區(qū)域委員會認證,美國中部州學校聯(lián)合會,中部州小學委員會認證。
1. 注冊美國學籍,出具美高成績單和畢業(yè)證
Register as an American school roll, Calvert transcript & Diploma
2. 中美雙導師
Double homeroom teacher
3. Calvert智能學習及評測系統(tǒng)
Intelligent learning and evaluation system of Calvert
4. 純美高課程,融合國學課程
Pure American curriculum & integration of traditional Chinese curriculum
B. ACT-GAC項目 ACT-GAC Program
GAC(Global Assessment Certificate 全球評估證書)/ACT(American College Test,美國大學入學考試)系統(tǒng)課程,由美國教育委員會主導,面向母語為非英語國家的高中學生而開設,旨在幫助學生在本國完成國外大學預科課程的學習,突破英語障礙,順利地進入國外正規(guī)大學。
完成GAC/ACT課程,學生可直接免預科進入美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、英語、新西蘭等110多所正規(guī)大學本科一年級學習,所獲學位均得到中國教育部承認。GAC/ACT課程是國內(nèi)唯 一包含ACT考試的預科課程, 還可以通過GAC成績減免大學的學分。
1. 全球廣泛認可,獲得GAC全球評估證書,中國教育部承認
GAC Global Assessment Certificate is recognized in world.
2. 是國內(nèi)包含 ACT考試的課程
GAC is the only preparatory course in China that includes the ACT exam.
3. 可免預科直接進入全球110多所大學一年級就讀
Students can directly enter the first year of university in the global English-speaking countries
4. 優(yōu)秀學生可用GAC學分申請大學學分減免
Excellent students can apply for credit transfer in college.
5. 本校即可參加ACT考試
LCAIS students can take ACT test in LCAIS.
C. UP 項目 UP Program(美國轉學制橋梁課程)
Limai University Pathway Program 力邁UP項目,采用2+2+2高中本科連讀體系,六年即可獲得美國大學畢業(yè)證和學士學位證,為申請美國大學的學生提供一條捷徑。
2-year Limai High School + 2-year American College General Courses+2-year American University Academic Courses
Suited for non-English speakers to study
AP 特色選修課程 AP Curriculum
AP(Advanced Placement)課程指由美國大學理事會(The College Board)提供的在高中授課的大學課程。對于計劃就讀美國本科的高中生,AP成績不但可以抵扣成功申請美國大學的同學入學后相應課程的學分,而且AP成績也成為美國各大學錄取學生的重要依據(jù)。
項目介紹:Program Introduction:
費爾蒙特高中3+1項目將中美教育進行完 美的結合,學制四年,3年國內(nèi)1年美國。獲北京市力邁中美(國際)學校和美國費爾蒙特高中雙文憑。
Fairmont Private School was founded in 1954. After many years of establishment, it has grown to over 2,200 students. There are a total of four campuses and was voted one of the best private schools in California. In 2016, Beijing Limai Chinese American (International) school and the United States Fairmont Private School signed a cooperation agreement to establish the first K-12 Fairmont Program in Beijing.
Fairmont High School 3+1 program is the perfect immersion of Chinese and American education. It is a four years program where students study at Beijing Limai campus for the first three years and study in the United States at Fairmont campus for the senior year. Students will receive dual diplomas from Beijing Limai and United States Fairmont schools after program completion.